Inspired by land, sun, and the sea, Earth and Events created an interactive dining experience in honor of midsummer– the longest day of the year. Upon entry, esteemed guests were greeted with an Aperol Spritz bar and an in-house DJ that spun vintage vinyl records throughout the evening. Astrology speaking, Midsummer is all about renewal and manifestation. As such, it was imperative that throughout the experimental dinner that each guest was able to receive a private aura reading by a live tarot reader. Many of the guests had never had their aura or tarot read before so this was an exciting activity for everyone. Chef Sequoia, centered the dinner experience around community and abundance so the 5-course dinner was served family style and featured local fresh ingredients from farms in Napa, CA.
Every detail of the dinner experience was artfully designed with symbolism in mind. The tablescape featured candles that stood at a staggering height of 5 feet tall which symbolized the sun at its highest peak throughout the year. Throughout the evening candle wax slowly dripped from the candles creating abstract shapes onto the table that were perfectly inperfect. The menus were hand written on custom paper by our friends over at Mudari Creative and featured their signature “speghetti noodle font”. The florals’ installations incorporated plump grapes and foliage to symbolize the beautiful relationship of ethically sourced food that is also nutritious too.
Event Stylist, Alexandra Piper, decided to have guests sit at a elongated bench as opposed to individual chairs to encourage the attendees feel as one as they mingled with likeminded creative community members. The table linen was composed of satin fibers and cascaded effortlessly off the table onto the floor to mimic patterns of the ocean’s natural waves. Olive oil for the focaccia was served in organic sea shells and the menu was all pescaterican based. The main entree for the evening was Trout Crudo paired with Tinto’s Natural Orange Wine. It was a beautiful evening of nutrient dense food in which guests arrived as strangers and left as friends. We cannot wait to do it all again.